Pale Horse Review
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Poetry: Submit up to 5 poems in a single file. We have no restrictions on form or content other than quality.
Prose: Submit one piece of fiction or creative nonfiction up to 3,000 words in length. We are open to genre work, but it should rise above the conventions and stereotypes of its genre. Give us real, round characters who act like people.
We do accept simultaneous submissions, but you must immediately withdraw your submission if your work is accepted elsewhere. By submitting your work for consideration, you are granting Pale Horse Review first publication rights, as well as non-exclusive publication rights for future issues and anthologies (online and in print). All rights revert to the author on publication. Manuscripts may be edited to meet our style requirements, but please edit them carefully yourself before submitting.
Pale Horse Review is a non-for-profit literary journal. We don't charge for submissions or for the PDF downloads of our volumes. Our belief is good writing shouldn't be kept from anyone. But because of that, we depend a lot on word of mouth and support from literary lovers like you. So if you're up for defending a place for good literature in the face of... well... everything... go and Like our facebook page!
Thank you,
Pale Horse Review Staff